Art Gallery

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Detail of Xitun wall.

Electricity for Saturday afternoon photography provided by Oldies Frank's. THE best hot dogs in Taichung. Go on back for another one, the menu keeps expanding.

Taiwan vs Canada. This wall on XiTun Rd got written up in the paper several months ago. I finally got around to finding it Saturday afternoon.

Another section.

The right side of the wall.

Familiar Faces

Left Side

The Dive

The front door of The Dive on Hua Mei Xi St, just across the canal from Frank's Hot Dogs.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Evidence...apparently, someone has been writing graffiti near here!

Taichung Tagged.

Not Sure.


I dunno, this looks like an incomplete spelling of Omen.

The security guard of the parking lot where I took the other pictures told me to go look at these. He said they were pretty cool.

A long shot

This way up.

SAME as it ever was.

A wider view.

Taichung Tagged

Name change for Sam? I dunno. Anyone? Anyone?

A good omen.

4Cru, Taichung, Taiwan

Bobo, May 2005, Taichung, Taiwan

New work from 4Cru on the side of Libaga liquors on Kungyi Rd in Taichung.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

This Appears to be Old News

But it's still kinda cool to see. Taipei has opened up some Graffiti Parks, five of them to be exact.

"The city government is allowing graffiti in the parks primarily to let citizens express their ideas and opinions about life and let off some steam, he said, adding that the city government intends to take pictures of meaningful graffiti and exhibit it."

I wonder when that's going to take place.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Flutter Bys

The official bug of Taiwan. Narrowly beat out the cockroach, I believe.

Talking Heads

David Byrne.


What's Bruce Lee's Favorite Drink?




This was in an alley behind Finga's Deli.

Just a reminder.

Ants go marching...

And now, a commercial announcement.

Oldies Frank's Hot Dogs on Hua Mei St has the best dogs you're going to find in town, no doubt. Go there today. Eat two. Eat three. Wash them down with a nice cold beer, then eat some more. Nothing like a Frank.