Art Gallery

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Paper Factory Outside

Near that B&Q on Beitun Rd there's an abandoned newspaper factory. Apparently, there's a lot of graff inside as well. I hope to get back if it ever stops raining.

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Ghost Town IV

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Ghost Town III

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Ghost Town II

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Military Ghost Town

Saw Fast at breakfast one morning and he drew me a map to this great old public housing project which was built to house military families. The whole place is tucked into an area the size of a football field and consists of 12-15 buildings, I think. They were abandoned a little over a year ago and left quite a mess behind. Thank god for the graffiti guys to come in and spruce the place up a bit.

These are all from a neighborhood near Beitun, almost as far as Chungde, I think. I'll try to map out the site. Might not be much use, as I was crawling over the fence which surrounds this place, a neighborhood busybody informed me that they were going to be tearing the buildings down within a few weeks.

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Taichung Top Center Graffiti

Ok, I finally got down to it and selected some of the best shots of what 4 Crew were up to between Christmas and Chinese New Year.
This place is an abandoned shopping center that was probably open for about a year, three or four years ago. Since I took these shots, the place has been surrounded by one of those lovely fences that seem to be everywhere.

To get inside I had to wake up a bum who was sleeping just inside of where the window had been smashed. He nodded at me and went back to sleep.

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